Art is a way of life.

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Art in Progress-Gregory Crewdson

''If you could freeze a moment in your dream and really look at it in every detail and every aspect of it, you will be in of Crewdsons images'' - This has inspired me to create set builds of what I dream about

Crewdson's earliest work was in 1988 - Spittfields America (Peoples houses/neighbours)
His father was a Psychoanalyst and in Crewdsons teenagehood there was a moment where he used to listen in through the floorboards as his father worked with his patients. - Classic Psychoanalytical father moment.

Crewdson used to attempt, never really heard anything but listen to whats going on beneath the surface.
I feel as if Crewdson imagines that was him as a young boy in the image above - boy with hand in drain (2001) 

Watching this documentary I finally got to see how Crewdson creates his images and where his ideas generate from. He stated that he finds ideas and locations whilst driving around for days. 
''When you see something that feels right and respond to Architecture and setting thats important''
His work comes from what he sees as American Sensibility tradition for instance - paintings of Edward Hopper. 

*Similar emptiness and theme (Ordinary life)
*Crewdson wants to capture emptiness (timeless) and aimless in his images like how Spittsfield is. 

Crewdson stated for him first and for most is to make a beautiful picture but if its just purely ecstatic experience, its not good enough. That meaning needs to be undercut to something psychological or dangerous or desirous/fearful. Ultimately I want it all to become one world in itself. 
- He uses Light to establish a world and tell a story!

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