Art is a way of life.

Tuesday 20 March 2012

Commission Research and Critical Appraisal - All in one.

This project in regards to 'Waste' has been interesting to explore but got confusing at times as what the definition of 'waste' really means. Could it be waste of life itself, people, youth or waste in terms of environment. It gets to you as an artist and thinker when you look at so many different types of waste and other peoples work. However, its been an great opportunity to experiment waste and produce work. 

My concept was to represent waste of opportunity in regards to education and maybe youth.
Most girls spend their young adult life looking after their babies or are pregnant and its sad to see they are throwing away all the chances they have to do something with themselves, to be a better person by educating themselves and exploring the world when they got the opportunity. 
All they have now to offer themselves in a job in retail, going home to their kids and a night out partying.
 This is such a waste of their youth and opportunity for higher education, - most kids would kill to have it.
I wanted to show in my image how she was interested in bettering herself -as you can see the books she has are gathering dust and all she has now is her baby and the shameful thing is that theres no family to help her out so that she could still go into eduction whilst having this baby.

Although there are some who are and never were interested in educating themselves, so there is no ambition and lack of determination which leads them to be reckless and yet their family are 100% behind them.

My images could also represent how someone at that age with a baby SHOULD act/look like - in that state and situation. 

The roses symbolise decay - just like her inner self. 

For my research and inspiration I looked at a few artist that deal with loneliness. 
For example Lisas Safati work portrays a kind of an emptiness.

The way the image sends a message to the viewers, is something I wanted to do with my work and deliver the same atmosphere and model's pose and surroundings. You get a sense of isolation from the subjects Safati has photographed. 

Moreover, Safat's work consists of depression when young adults deliberately turn to the bottle and get wasted like there is no tomorrow. Its bad enough for their health but they are also damaging their memory - no reconciliation of the night before. My character in my series is also drowning herself with vodka, so that she can escape her reality.

Another artist I researched was Gareth McConnell
He pays a lot of attention to space around the subject like shown below.

Space can be very effective and especially when your conveying emptiness and isolation.
This is something I wanted to test in my shots and see how it makes the topic even more deep and meaningful. 
Space and distance between the mother and child.

 Moreover,I liked that he uses just the natural light in his images and how he does that. Something to get inspiration from in case of natural lighting.

The other artist that captured me into the sensitivity and intimacy in images was, Philips Toledano series of images 'Days with my father'

These images are very emotional and it reminds me of my idea of that sense of 'waste' and wasting your chances is a very sensitive subject.

Also looking at Bobby Neil Adams work,

I interpreted that their lives from being young to old has passed within a blink of an eye and their life has flashed by them. What I mean is that their time has passed and if you didn't take on all the opportunities you had when you was young, now that your old what have you done with your life?

Similarly, I looked at Frauke Theiling's work called Generation.
This makes me think about how the young girl in my series will pass on her traits to her daughter and the choices she made when she had her daughter will somehow effect her when she's older. She may even repeat what her mother did ?

Overall, after going into my tutorial with an idea of 'waste of life' looking at Tracey Emin and then realising its not clear in terms of the subject - I decided to change it and look at something that is happening everywhere and especially in my area in London (Feltham) - All the girls I knew from secondary school are all living the same lives and its also showing in Rochester+Chatham. 
I could have deifnetly managed my studies a lot better - although I am fairly organised, I think too much and start worrying when I am uncertain of my work and not confident in the shoot going right. In the future I need to be super organised and not as complex with my thoughts and feelings towards my projects.
I believe my work would look best in an exhibition due to the topic and how effective it will be - point on to the audience when looking at the three images in order. Its something that will not only look professional but will have an impact on the viewers as it will be directly in front of them to interpret, think about and to analyse.

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