Art is a way of life.

Monday 19 March 2012

Commission shoot!-Series

Contact sheet from shoot.

Today's shoot went pretty well in the space of two hours and only needed a little equipment such as; Broncolor pack with head light and Bronica film camera.

I am satisfied with the settings and look of my images however I could of decreased the shadow underneath the stall where the books and dust is placed. At the time it did not occur to me how by using only one light on the side will effect the whole image. What I should of done is used a light on each side so that when it came to printing the images could be brighter with the perfect skin tone.

I have put my 3 images in order of how I want my series to look... it tells some sort of narrative.
The first image is meant to be shocking, so that the audience are focused on the young girls face and the fact that she is holding a newborn baby. 
I wanted it to be very effective and emotional.

The second shot represents how the girl cannot come to terms that this is her life, is it going to get better or worse?
However, there are times when she's ecstatic that she has a baby but its as if her life only revolves around the child now. There is no time for things in her life which people her age do - also an opportunity of being in education - University? 

This is where my shot of the young girl holding her 'good luck at university' comes in which initially was going to be the first shot (total 4 images)

But in the end I decided to keep it with the three images below as my final series as I think the images work  well together and look strong.

The third image of the young girl represents how a girl her age is so worn out due to looking after the baby and its all down to time keeping and being stable enough to do this job. Unfortunately for her, all this is new and frighting for her which is why she turns to the bottle to zone out of reality. 

'Waste of opportunity/opportunities'

In shock


Deteriorating from her real self and zoning out of reality.

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