Art is a way of life.

Friday, 17 February 2012

Idea 5 - Life- itself

Waste of life - throwing it away - (empty dustbin) - vodka, clock,

Photographer - Tracey Emin 

My Bed

Mattress, linens, pillows, objects

Photojournalist Walter Astrada - portrays violenece on women throughout the world
(video in india)

- these girls 'lives' are being killed due to their sex/gender
- and yet we have a 'life' but some tend to throw it away just like in india where they are throwing away lives.

Looking at the way Emin has portrayed herself and the way she lived makes me wonder how many other people around us do the same thing over and over again. - And yes it is such a waste - every second you are wasting your life away. This is something I wanted to portray in my project/series but don't know how the message will be clear enough and what sort of things I would show. Also, for this sort of image I can't find enough inspiration and references to back this idea up.

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